Puppies Available in Adelaide
Stay up to date with the latest!
store 94 Glen Osmond Road, Parkside SA 5063
phone 1300 MY PAWS
email contact@boutiquepaws.com.au
Closed Saturday 1st of February, we reopen Tuesday 4th of February 1pm to 5pm
New Trading Hours commencing Tuesday 4th of February.
Phone 1300 697 297 or 0407 004 002 to book an appointment!
Upcoming Puppies ~ Tuesday 4th of February
Miniature Spoodles ~ Goldz, Males & Females, $2995
Miniature Cavoodles ~ Ruby, Blenheim ~ Females, $2995
Foxypoos ~ Miniature Fox Terrier x Miniature Poodle, $1495
Toy Poodles ~ Gold, Black, Red, Males and Females, $2495
Cavaliers ~ Ruby, Blenheim, Tri, Black & Tan, Males & Females, $2495
Please click here to learn about reserving a Boutique Paws Puppy!